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Stars of the week​​​​ ​

Friday 7th February


Leo has had a super week at school! He has become more comfortable within the preschool environment, and he started to become more responsible for his own learning. It has been lovely to see Leo move away from his chosen grown up, and explore different activities.

F1 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Freddie Newton!

Freddie has had a brilliant week at school. He has been enjoying his own learning, interacting with his peers and demonstrating happiness each morning with smiles on his face. Freddie has particularly enjoyed mark-making this week and exploring different textures through messy play.

F2 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Harrison Barr!

This week’s superstar ALWAYS shows his Bilsthorpe Best and is such a respectful little boy. Harrison is a wonderful role model in F2 every single day and respects the grown-ups, his peers and the learning environment. He is a shining star that follows the rules, listens and partakes in all his is asked. We love having Harrison in F2 and are so proud of the way he conducts himself and his fantastic attitude towards learning. Keep it up Harrison!

YEAR 1 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Brayden Hallam!

This week I am awarding an award to Brayden Hallam for his excellent work in phonics. Brayden has persevered in his phonics work this week and has been trying really hard to apply the codes we have learnt to his reading. Keep up the good work, Brayden - you are smashing it! 

YEAR 2 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Alice Dale-Brailsford!

This week I've chosen Alice for giving 100% effort in lessons this week. Alice has been showing more confidence in contributing ideas in class and working on her writing skills to produce some fantastic sentences to include all the skills we have been learning. 

YEAR 3 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Kiara Lotesoriere!

It is an absolute pleasure to have this young lady in my class this year! 

Kiara is a considerate member of the class who always looks after those around her. If someone is feeling down, she will be there to lend a listening ear, and if her friends encounter difficulties with a task, she eagerly offers her help. She always gives school 100% no matter which subject we are doing.  As a result, she is making phenomenal progress.  She loves to learn and listens to advice to help improve her work.  Her attitude to learning is superb. 

YEAR 4 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Oakley Mason!

Oakley has earned it this week due to always trying his best and giving work a go before asking for help from pupils or adults. He has worked extra hard in all lessons and being eager to learn even though he might find it tricky at points.

YEAR 5 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Lily Hallam!

Lily has been working extremely hard with her writing. She produced an excellent biography about Greta Thunberg and is now working hard on a diary entry about being lost in the Amazon Rainforest. She is trying to be more independent, and it is amazing to see how much her confidence has grown.

YEAR 6 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Gracie McAdam!

Gracie for always trying her best, learning from mistakes and persevering in all lessons. You are making good progress Gracie, well done! 

Friday 31st January 2025


Jenson, we are so proud of you this week! You are trying to say lots more words, learning to say your friends' names and taking responsibility for your classroom by helping to do lots of special jobs, such as; picking up toys, sweeping and putting rubbish in the bin. Well done Jenson - keep it up!

F1 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Jessie Whitehurst!

Jessie... I could write so many amazing things about you and your learning - and not just this week, but every week! You put 100% effort into your learning, and you can remember everything we have done in phonics, maths and enquiry. You always take the skills and knowledge you have learnt and apply it into your own independent play. Well done Jessie - you are a superstar!

F2 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Hunter Shaw!

This week Hunter has really impressed all the grown up’s in Foundation Stage 2. Since coming back to school after half term Hunters attitude towards learning has been brilliant. He has been persevering when things get challenging and is beginning to share his knowledge with his peers during whole class situations. He isn’t afraid to ask for help when he is unsure. His independence is flourishing – keep it up Hunter we are so proud of you.

YEAR 1 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Ned Carnelli!

Ned has wowed me this week with his determination with his learning. Ned has been focused in every lesson this week and trying his absolute best with all his work. He is enjoying learning the story of Katie in London for our English work, and has been amazing with his maths learning number bonds to 20. Keep up this brilliant work, Ned - your confidence is lovely to see!

YEAR 2 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Poppy Jackson!

This week I’ve chosen Poppy for consistently working hard in all subjects, but also for persevering in maths when the learning is tricky. Poppy always tries her best and keeps going no matter what. She is always showing her best in everything.

YEAR 3 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Hikmah Oladipupo!

Hikmah has been working really hard on ensuring her work is beautifully presented and this includes using joined up writing. She thinks really hard about the word choices she makes ensuring that the words add impact to her writing. In maths she works hard to apply her maths knowledge and enjoys reaching the Deeper Learning Challenge.

YEAR 4 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Debsie Ndulue!

Debsie has earned it this week by being aspirational with all his work. Creating lovely sentences in English using subordinate conjunctions and reasoning in our guided reading. He is providing answers which include great choices of vocabulary.

YEAR 5 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Emily Town!

Emily is a ray of sunshine who always has a smile on her face. She is a kind girl who always wants to look after other children. I have been so pleased to see how much progress Emily is making with her learning. Even when she finds things difficult, she never gives up. Keep up the hard work Emily. 

YEAR 6 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Jenson Spittlehouse!

Jenson for creativity - some fantastic ideas using poetic devices.  I particularly liked the lines: “water blue like the endless skies” and “a stream of sticky tears flushed the mother’s eyes.” Well done!

Friday 24th January 2025


Riley has blown us away this week with his hard work in phonics. He has been trying super hard with his animal sounds, and he has even taken the phonics learning into his own independent play. Well done Riley - we are so proud!

F1 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Evelyn Burgoyne!

Evelyn has been a brilliant role model since coming back to school. She is showing fantastic behaviour, listening well on the carpet and trying really hard with her learning - especially maths and phonics. Well done Evelyn - keep up the super word... we are very proud of you!

F2 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Keanu Lee!

This week’s superstar has been a great example of our Bilsthorpe values and expectations. You can always rely on him saying the right thing, doing the right thing and being in the right place. His manners are exceptional, he is helpful, kind and considerate and he should be super proud of himself with the way he conducts himself at school. Keep it up Keanu!

YEAR 1 STAR OF THE WEEK  - William Swinburn!

William is a true delight in the classroom. He always comes into school with a smile on his face! William seems to start every day with a dance and his joyful nature is such a pleasure to be around. William is amazing!

YEAR 2 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Amelia Mingela!

Amelia is showing an amazing increase in confidence across all parts of school life. Amelia has been contributing her ideas to the class in all subjects and collaborating with her partner during partner discussions. Amelia is also a fabulous role model for the rest of the class by always showing her Bilsthorpe BEST! Well done, Amelia!

YEAR 3 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Lincoln Bembridge!

Lincoln has been working super hard this week on Times Table Rockstars. He is the top scorer in the current battle with year 4 and has scored over 1000 points. These points have all been scored at home, well done Lincoln!

YEAR 4 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Milton Charles!

Milton has been given the award due to always trying his best and taking pride in his work. He has also shown that he can remember key information from his learning. A super example of this was when he could recall facts about the Ancient Egyptians. It was lovely to see how excited he was about his learning. 

YEAR 5 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Charlie Vickers!

This week, Charlie has been using his mathematical knowledge to help other people in Maths this week. He was confident when working in a group to work through division problems. You have shown excellent teamwork skills. Well-done Charlie, we are very proud of you!

YEAR 6 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Autumn Massetti!

Autumn is a star this week for showing a great attitude towards her learning in all lessons.  Autumn, you have certainly showcased your very best work this week and we are all very proud of you. 

Keep up the hard work! 


Friday 17th January 2025


Luna has been a superstar in preschool. We are really happy with how much Luna is using her words to talk to children and teachers and she is enjoying her learning - especially when she takes part in phonics! She knows a lot of animal sounds now - well done Luna! 

F1 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Alex Smith!

Alex has had a brilliant week in F1. He has been joining in with all of his learning, amazing us with his maths by counting to 19 and recognising numbers to 10, and following instructions. Well done Alex! 

F2 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Lexi Swift!

This week everyone has been really impressed with how well Lexi has come back to school. She has been waiting her turn on the carpet and has been using her listening ears. We have especially seen this during phonics when we have been playing our phonics games. Lexi has waited her turn, selected a code and even had a go at independently reading some words that contain the code. Well done Lexi – keep up the hard work.

YEAR 1 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Reggie Goodman!

This week, I have given Reggie the certificate for taking real pride with all his school work.  Reggie has been a real superstar this week, who has tried hard in all areas of his   learning. Reggie has come in to school in the mornings and has been getting straight on with his learning. Reggie has been trying really hard to stay on track with his work by listening carefully to instructions - well done, Reggie! 

YEAR 2 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Finley Williams!

This week I have chosen Finley for the achievement assembly. Finley works really hard during maths and does all he can to help his peers. He takes his time to help other children and help them enjoy maths as much as he does. Well done, Finley!.

YEAR 3 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Amelia Zarebski!

Amelia has the certificate for enjoyment. She arrives in school with a smile on her face and that smile remains on her face all day. In every lesson she tries her hardest and enjoys seeing improvements especially with her presentation. Amelia is a pleasure to have in class and as a member of the school community.

YEAR 4 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Nifesi Somoye!

Nifesi has shown real confidence since joining Bilsthorpe. She has settled into Y4 and is eager to learn. She is always confident in lessons, providing thoughtful answers and engaging well with others. 

YEAR 5 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Abbie Walsh!

The certificate this week goes to Abbie Walsh. Being a role model for the rest of the class ALL of the time. Abbie tries her best in all areas of her learning and her attitude towards school is always positive . Keep it up Abbie– thankyou for being a superstar!

YEAR 6 STAR OF THE WEEK  - Michael Lonsdale!

Michael has been taking responsibility in all of his learning, always working hard and trying his best. He’s also been very welcoming to a new member of the class and ensured they have settled in well.

Friday 10th January 2025


Toby has come back to school after the Christmas break with a happy and confident attitude. Toby has been enjoying his learning, choosing different activities and demonstrating that he is happy to be here when he walks through the preschool door in a morning. Well done Toby- keep it up! 


Winnie has started spring term being the most kind and loving friend to all of her peers. She is always there to help somebody or look after them if they are sad or hurt. Thank you Winnie for being a superstar! Anybody is lucky to have you as their friend! 

F2 STAR OF THE WEEK - Brayden Barr-Shaw!

This week, Brayden has come to school with an amazing "Can do" attitude to learning. He has been joining in on the carpet and has been listening for the codes needed to create simple CVC words. He has also been trying with his letter formation and holding a pencil with the tripod grip. We are so impressed by his perseverence and positive attitude. Keep it up Brayden, we are so proud of you!

YEAR 1 STAR OF THE WEEK - To be revealed next week


Noah has returned to school with an amazing attitude to learning. He has presenting "STAR learning behaviour" through his eagerness to answer questions and give ideas. He is also taking responsibility for his own learning.

YEAR 3 STAR OF THE WEEK - Kyla-Rose Holmes!

Kyla-Rose has shown super enthusiasm this week. She has tried so hard to form her letters correctly and it is a joy to see the smile on her face when work is completed.


Esme has returned to school with the best attitude to learning. She works hard in lessons and is always eager to help others. She sets good examples to others in her class by listening well and working hard and it has been so lovely to see how much she is enjoying being back at school. 

YEAR 5 STAR OF THE WEEK - Harry Wilcock

Harry has returned to school after the Christmas holidays with such a positive attitude towards his learning. He has been persevering with his maths and building his confidence when multiplying numbers. Well done Harry! We are all very proud of you.

YEAR 6 STAR OF THE WEEK - Riley-John Hawthorne!

This young man has settled into the Bilsthorpe Flying High Academy family so well and it has been lovely to see him smiling each day and having the confidence to contribute in lessons. Well done Riley!