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Religious Education

Through the delivery of Religious Education, at Bilsthorpe Flying High Academy, we expose the children to a range of different religions, cultures, celebrations and influential people along with new words and phrases. In terms of aspiration, we consistently encourage our children to aim for bigger and better experiences and opportunities. Through the development of Religious Education, we hope to instil a sense of intrigue and curiosity amongst our children. We hope that this will sew the seed for children wanting to travel and to aspire to explore the wider world themselves one day. Through the delivery of our Religious Education curriculum our children are exposed to a plethora of vocabulary, we ensure that not only do we expose them to this orally, but we also ensure they have the opportunities to read and write their new vocabulary. In our Religious Education lessons at Bilsthorpe Flying High Academy, we ensure that we approach the curriculum in a variety of ways in order to engage our children and allow them the opportunity to develop a love of Religious Education and enjoyment for the subject. We hope that this will continue to develop as they progress through school and on to secondary school.  

We follow the agreed Religious Education Syllabus for Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire. In some areas we exceed these – for example, our believing strand goes beyond year 6. This is not something mentioned in the National Curriculum but instead introduced to given our pupils the prior knowledge needed to access this more effectively in secondary school.  

Key knowledge is identified through our KKPD statements which allow for sequential learning and progression from F1 right through to Y6. 

By the end of their time in our school, children will have a good understanding of different individuals, groups and communities. Celebrate moments of importance and be more accepting and curious of differences in others, being able to speak to different people of society in a respectful manner. 

We aim for our children to visit different places of religion.  All of the year groups have visited our local church and one of our classes have recently visited Lincoln Cathedral.

We have regular visits from Rev’d Margaret who is from our local church. She delivers termly assemblies and also delivers our yearly festivals. (Our Christmas service, our Easter service and our Harvest festival). 

We also have visits from people who are members of different religions. Recently a practising Hindu visited our school and delivered Hindu stories, explained the Hindu way of life, showed us Hindu artefacts and clothing. The children dressed in different Hindu clothing, played music and danced to different kinds of Hindu chanting.  This was a valuable experience for the children to learn about another religion and culture.