Foundation 2
Welcome to Foundation Stage 2
Our Foundation 2 environment fosters a sense of awe and wonder, developing natural curiosity, so that children love to learn. Children are nurtured, loved and valued as competent, resourceful, strong, resilient children who are full of curiosity. A curiosity that drives their interests to understand their world and their place in it. We will provide opportunities to develop children’s language and communication skills, their independence, thinking and problem-solving skills. Children will leave early years confident, independent, linguists, critical thinkers who are curious lifelong learners ready for key stage one.
Miss Evans is our teacher and Miss Benger and Mrs Wilson are our teaching assistants.
We hope that you find our class page useful by exploring the fantastic learning that takes place in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Polite Reminders & Key Information:
Timings of the school day:
8.50am - children enter the F2 classroom through the F2 steps and are greeted by the F2 team.
3.20pm - children will be released via the F2 steps.
All items brought into school should be labelled with the child's name (including bags and coats). Children are responsible for their garments and equipment. Having names on clothing makes it much easier for us to return these to the right person.
PE - Friday:
Children need to ensure that they have the correct PE kit on this day. The school PE kit is a plain white t-shirt, blue/black shorts or jogging bottoms and plimsolls or trainers. No earrings or jewellery are allowed to be worn during PE lessons.
EYFS children will begin by going to the hall to eat their lunches. After that, they will have a session of outside play, supervised by our midday supervisors. As we are a healthy school, please provide a healthy lunchbox if your child is having a packed lunch.
If your child has any medical conditions which require medication, e.g. inhalers. Please could we ask you to go to the school office to fill in a medication form first, and then we can keep the medication in school and first aid trained staff will be able to administer it when applicable.
Contact Details:
Please keep the school office updated with all your current contact details, so that we can contact you directly and keep you updated with all school matters.