Year 5
We are a friendly, hard-working bunch who enjoy a challenge. We work together to achieve the very best for ourselves and each other. We are working on being really good role models for our younger children. We are very proud of our school and the school environment and we work hard to keep everything neat and tidy. Please see our newsletter for further information about our curriculum.
Our teacher is Miss Key.
Timings of the school day
8:50am- children to line up on the playground to be greeted by their teacher.
3:20am- children will be dismissed by the top doors.
To ensure any lost items of clothing are found by your child, please ensure you label any clothing with their name.
PE is taught on a Wednesday. The children attend swimming on Monday afternoons. When the swimming sessions end, the children will have a second PE lesson on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child has the correct PE uniform in school. The school PE kit is a plain white t-shirt, blue/black shorts or jogging bottoms and plimsolls or trainers. No jewellery is to be worn for PE.
If your child has any medical conditions which require medication (e.g. inhalers), please could we ask you to go to the school office to fill in a medication form first, and then we can keep the medication in school for first aid trained staff to administer it when applicable.
Contact Details
Please keep the school office updated with all your current contact details, so that we can contact you directly and keep you updated with all school matters.