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Year 2

In Year 2, we endeavour to show discipline, resilience and curiosity in all aspects of our learning. We build on our knowledge of phonics to become fluent readers who can read for longer periods of time, whilst also demonstrating our understanding of different reading materials. In writing, we refine our handwriting and experiment with recording ideas in more diverse sentence structures. In maths, we further strengthen our understanding of numbers, which will allow us to fully understand many mathematical concepts. Through our enquiry question, we explore the world around us and ponder our sense of belongingness within it. 

Our class teacher is Miss Walters and our teaching assistant is Mrs Tuck. 

Timings for the day:

8.45–9.05 Register

9.05-9.30 Launchpad Reading 

9.30-9.45 Handwriting

9.45-10.30 English

10.30-10.45 Break

10.45-11.45 Maths

11.45-12.00 Mastering Number

12.00-1.00 Lunch

1.00-2.45 Enquiry and Foundation Subjects 

2.45-3.00 Assembly

3.00-3.20 Class story

Polite Reminders:


PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. All children need their PE kits in school on these days. PE kit includes black shorts and a white t-shirt and trainers. On colder days, children are welcome to wear black or grey joggers and a sweatshirt for PE. No jewellery or earrings can be worn during PE.

Reading and Homework

Children need to have their reading diaries and books in school every day. Children should ideally be reading 3-4 times per week. Homework is sent home every Thursday which will include spellings and either maths or English. The spellings are usually Year 2 common exception words which children need to learn by the end of Year 2.


If your child has any medical conditions which require medication, e.g. inhalers. Please could we ask you to go to the school office to fill in a medication form first, and then we can keep the medication in school and first aid trained staff will be able to administer it when applicable.

Contact Details:

Please keep the school office updated with all your current contact details, so that we can contact you directly and keep you updated with all school matters.