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Foundation 1

Our Foundation 1 environment fosters a sense of awe and wonder, developing natural curiosity, so that children love to learn. Children are nurtured, loved and valued as competent, resourceful, strong, resilient children who are full of curiosity. A curiosity that drives their interests to understand their world and their place in it. We will provide opportunities to develop children’s language and communication skills, their independence, thinking and problem-solving skills. Children will leave F1 as confident and independent learners, ready to continue their journey in F2.

Mrs Harper is our teacher and Mrs Boaler, Miss Frost and Miss Townsend are our teaching assistants. We also have a care assistant, Mrs Martwhich in F1.

Please see our class newsletter for a glimpse into how our children will spend their days with us.

Polite Reminders & Key Information:

Timings of the school day:

15 Hour morning children:

8.50am - Children enter the F1/Preschool unit through the door and are greeted by the F1 team. 

11:50am - Children will be released through the F1/Preschool unit door. 

15 Hour afternoon children:

12:30pm - Children enter the F1/Preschool unit through the door and are greeted by the F1 team. 

3:30pm - Children will be released through the F1/Preschool unit door. 

30 Hour children:

8.50am - Children enter the F1/Preschool unit through the door and are greeted by the F1 team. 

3:20pm - Children will be released through the F1/Preschool unit door.


All items brought into school should be labelled with the child's name (including bags and coats). Children are encouraged (with support) to become responsible for their clothes and equipment. Having names on clothing makes it much easier for us to return these to the right person. 


All children in F1 are provided with a snack in the morning or afternoon. The snack is always a 1/4 of a bagel, a piece of fruit and a carton of milk. If a child does 30 hours, in addition to the 1/4 bagel, fruit and milk, they will also be offered breadstick/crackers in the afternoon.


30 hours children will eat their lunch in the F2 classroom. After that, they will have a session of outside play, supervised by our midday supervisors. As we are a healthy school, please provide a healthy lunch box if your child is having a packed lunch. A school dinner can also be ordered for your child. We ask that a school dinner is ordered via your child's teacher during drop off in the morning. 


If your child has any medical conditions which require medication, e.g. inhalers. Please could we ask you to go to the school office to fill in a medication form first, and then we can keep the medication in school and first aid trained staff will be able to administer it when applicable.

Contact Details:

Please keep the school office updated with all your current contact details, so that we can contact you directly and keep you updated with all school matters.